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Ljubljana, Arena Stožice, 2013, 2015

Za svobodo, za Kruh 2:04:34
27/4/2013 -- 40-letnica TPPZ + Dan OF: 4 ure koncerta, 250 ljudi na odru, 10.000 pred odrom
Vstajenje Primorske 04:38
25/9/2015: special guest na koncertu Red Army Choir
Bella ciao 02:29
25/9/2016: peli skupaj z zborom Rdeče Armade, iz Moskve
Puntarska 04:28
27/4/2016: mix puntarskih pesmi Iztoka Mlakarja, Mile Klopčiča in TPPZ Pinka Tomažiča
Fotoshooting from our concerts
Special thanks to our official photographer, Sergio Paoletti.

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SoundCloud Album Record

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SoundCloud Album Record

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SoundCloud Album Record

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SoundCloud Album Record

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SoundCloud Album Record

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SoundCloud Album Record

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